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Three years and over

Agriculture - Local exchanges - Open to the public

​ After setting up our cultivation areas, we will get down to cultivating them. Like the rest, we want an agriculture that respects the living. We are therefore going to produce our vegetables in market gardening on living soil, inagroforestry. This means that we will use thermal engines  only when we cannot  do otherwise, that we will not plow the land, that the cultivated plots will never have the bare ground, that each growing area will be surrounded by trees or shrubs, that the plants will be cared for and nourished naturally.


Each cultivation area will be 280 m². There will be 15, which will welcome different cultures each year.


We will produce fresh fruits and vegetables, which will be sold in short circuits, in the form of AMAP but also on themarkets or grocery stores of the surrounding villages. We want to sell, exchange or barter fresh products but also preserves, syrups, herbal teas, seeds...

Our approach aims to make healthy products accessible to us and our planet.

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