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Make a donation

We have budgeted our project, allowing us to estimate our needs as accurately as possible and to prioritize them. Fundraising will therefore allow us, with the levels reached, to achieve these objectives.

  • Tier 1: €19,650 in donations + loan of €17,000, to finance the purchase of land, common property ACCOMPLISHED

  • Level 2: €9290 to finance the construction of a water reservoir (-€2650 which was paid by the association sales during markets, grocery stores, festivals, workshops), + installation of phytopurification + water pump irrigation + earthworks of the hangar and the access road (-3690€, for the access road, which was paid for by the sales of the association during markets, grocery stores, festivals, workshops)IN PROGRESS

  • Stage 3: €4,670 to finance the installation of the orchard. Trees + tree protection + irrigation.

(Waiting for a response from the association A Croquer,   for financial assistance, which we hope.)

  • Level 4: €7,300 to finance the development of the agricultural premises. Meeting room, processing laboratory, storage area.

(We will self-build the shed, using local wood.)

  • Level 5: €12,150 to finance the installation of market gardening. Seeds + irrigation + greenhouses + mechanized equipment + tools.

  • Stage 6: €6000  to finance the construction of a photovoltaic electrical installation 

Isolated photovoltaic equipment 3KWc 

(we may be recovering a dozen 400wc panels, which will greatly reduce the price of crowdfunding)


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